词:Thomas O.CHISHOLM 曲:George C.STEBBINS 歌词: 独在荒野,我愁苦凄凉;悠悠多年, 皆任性放荡;饥寒交迫,心头满惊惶; 我要起身前往!满心伤痛,我踏上归程, 要见天父之慈祥圣容。宁为奴仆在我父家中, 我要起身前往! 在父家中有美筵、华堂;此间困苦, 且无人扶帮;何必在此惆怅等死亡? 我要起身前往!深悔往日我放浪无状, 儿子名分今不敢承望;惟愿慈父肯接纳、 收藏,我要起身前往! 回忆当日家中何温暖,亲爱面孔历历在眼前; 家中情景想念愈甘甜;我要起身前往! 他人放浪,归去蒙赦免,蒙赐新衣, 旧事不记念;何必彷徨?父家非遥远! 我要起身前往! 今在异乡,回想空懊悔;昔怀美望, 生活多光辉,光阴、财宝转眼顿成灰; 我要起身前往!忽闻说道:切莫再犹疑, 你虽离神,神仍眷爱你!不待天晚, 夜寒路凄迷,我要起身前往! 副歌: 我今要归回父家!我今要归回父家! 我要起身前往!我今要归回父家。 诗歌背景资料: Thomas Obadiah Chisholm (July 29, 1866 – February 29, 1960) was an American songwriter who wrote several prominent Christian hymns. Thomas O. Chisholm was born in Franklin, Kentucky on July 29, 1866 in a log cabin and became a teacher at age sixteen. Chisholm had a Christian conversion experience at age twenty-seven during a revival in Franklin led by Dr. Henry Clay Morrison. Chisholm served as a Methodist minister for one-year before resigning due to poor health. Chisholm wrote over 1,200 sacred poems over his lifetime, which appeared in many Christian periodicals, and he served as an editor of the Pentecostal Herald in Louisville for a period. In 1909 Chisholm began his career as a life insurance agent in Winona Lake and Vineland, New Jersey. In 1923 at age fifty-seven, Chisholm wrote the popular song Great is Thy Faithfulness which he submitted to William M. Runyan who was affiliated with the Moody Bible Institute and Runyan set the song to music. It is a popular song at Christian weddings. Chisholm retired to the Methodist Home for the Aged in Ocean Grove, New Jersey and died in 1960. 歌谱: 9月7日 每日恩典内容 每日读经 | 历代志下18章 每日读经| 历代志下19章 每日读经 | 诗篇22篇 每日读经 | 提摩太前书3章 每日经历神 | 9月7日 住在山上的日子够了 恩典365 | 9月7日 筑梦——约瑟系列(重播):给人留一条活路 竭诚为主 | 9月7日 福泉 赞美诗 | 再回父家