词/曲:Charles Wesley 歌词(Lyrics): Give me the faith which can remove And sink the mountain to a plain; Give me the childlike praying love, Which longs to build Thy house again; Thy love let it my heart o'erpower, And all my simple soul devour. I would the precious time redeem, And longer live for this alone, To spend, and to be spent, for them Who have not yet my Savior known; Fully on thee my mission prove, And only breathe, to breathe Thy love. My talents, gifts, and graces, Lord, Into Thy blessd hands receive; And let me live to preach Thy word, And let me to Thy glory live; My every sacred moment spend In publishing the sinner's Friend. Enlarge, inflame, and fill my heart With boundless charity divine! So shall I all my strength exert, And love them with a zeal like Thine; And lead them to Thy open side, The sheep for whom their Shepherd died. 歌词: 求主赐我坚强信心,能将大山化作平原, 赐赤子心惟求爱忱,渴慕建立恩主圣殿, 神爱征服我全身心,得赎的灵与主相亲。 我要珍爱、善用时间,并愿为此奉献全生, 使人蒙恩享主平安,使未信者能认主名, 坚守生命永不更改,一息尚存惟求主爱, 求主圣手来接受我,所有各项恩赐才能, 终生传道为主效忠,使我生活能荣主名, 时刻传讲救恩不休,报告主是罪人良友。 求主无限圣洁慈爱,扩我胸怀燃起热忱, 使我竭力尽忠不怠,像主爱人永远挚真, 带领他们进入永生,做好牧人为羊牺牲。 1月6日 每日恩典内容 每日读经 | 耶利米书32章 每日读经 | 耶利米书33章 每日读经 | 诗篇138篇 每日读经 | 哥林多后书10章 每日经历神 | 1月6日 神在寻找黏土 恩典365 | 1月6日 蒙福的人生——以撒系列:蒙福的婚姻,17.合适道路上帝知道谁最适合你 竭诚为主 | 1月6日 敬拜 赞美诗 | Give Me The Faith Which Can Remove 求主赐我坚强信心