词: Frances Ridley Havergal 曲: Lowell Mason 歌词(Lyrics) Master, speak! Thy servant heareth, Waiting for Thy gracious word, Longing for Thy voice that cheereth Master, let it now be heard. I am listening, Lord, for Thee; What hast Thou to say to me? Speak to me by name, O Master, Let me know it is to me; Speak, that I may follow faster, With a step more firm and free, Where the Shepherd leads the flock In the shadow of the Rock! Master, speak! though least and lowest, Let me not unheard depart; Master, speak! for O Thou knowest All the yearning of my heart, Knowest all its truest need; Speak, and make me blest indeed. Master, speak! and make me ready, When Thy voice is truly heard, With obedience glad and steady, Still to follow every word I am listening, Lord, for Thee; Master, speak! O speak to me! 歌词: 主啊请说仆人敬听 等候主恩惠片言 唯主慈声抚慰我心 盼主吩咐达心田 求主开口让我知 仆人敬听你旨意 愿主轻轻呼我名字 让我确知你唤我 闻声而起快步追随 心里轻省步稳妥 主为牧者作向导 帅领前往平安路 求主莫看我为微卑 求主莫把我遗弃 求主鉴察我心境况 我愿听命跟从你 我主深知我心思 愿主呼唤我名字 我心警醒我灵安静 随时候命奉差遣 甘心乐意忠心不二 任何事在所不辞 求主开口让我知 仆人敬听你旨意 10月13日 每日恩典内容 每日读经 | 约伯记21章 每日读经 | 约伯记22章 每日读经 | 诗篇58篇 每日读经 | 彼得后书2章 每日经历神 | 10月13日 没有秘密 恩典365 | 10月13日 Pioneer系列(重播):时候到了,神成就超过所求所想 竭诚为主 | 10月13日 沮丧与拓展 赞美诗 | Master Speak Thy Servant Heareth 主啊请说仆人敬听人敬听