词:Charles Wesley 曲:from Lyra Davidica 歌词(Lyrics): CHRIST the Lord is risen today; Hallelujah! Sons of men and angels say: Hallelujah! Raise your joys and triumphs high: Hallelujah! Sing, ye heavens; thou earth, reply: Hallelujah! Love's redeeming work is done; Hallelujah! Fought the fight, the battle won: Hallelujah! Vain the stone,the watch,the seal; Hallelujah! Christ hath burst the gates of hell: Hallelujah! Lives again our glorious King! Hallelujah! Where, O death, is now thy sting? Hallelujah! Once He died our souls to save: Hallelujah! Where's thy victory, boasting grave? Hallelujah! Soar we now where Christ hath led, Hallelujah! Following our exalted Head: Hallelujah! Made like Him,like Him we rise;Hallelujah! Ours the cross,the grave,the skies:Hallelujah! King of glory!Soul of bliss! Hallelujah! Everlasting life is this, Hallelujah! Thee to know,Thy power to prove, Hallelujah! Thus to sing,and thus to love: Hallelujah! 歌词 主基督今天复活,哈利路亚! 天使世人同欢庆,哈利路亚! 高唱得胜喜乐歌,哈利路亚! 天上人间齐响应,哈利路亚! 大爱救赎已功成,哈利路亚! 美好战役已得胜,哈利路亚! 穿越坟茔重深锁,哈利路亚! 破开地狱坚固门,哈利路亚! 荣耀君王永生主,哈利路亚! 死亡权势拘不住,哈利路亚! 他代死令我得生,哈利路亚! 死亡毒钩永拔除。哈利路亚! 让我效法荣耀主,哈利路亚! 心灵展翅向上腾,哈利路亚! 跟主脚踪背十架,哈利路亚! 穿越死亡得荣耀,哈利路亚! 荣耀君王喜乐源,哈利路亚! 赐我新生到永远,哈利路亚! 经验大能认识神,哈利路亚! 歌颂上帝服事人,哈利路亚! 诗歌背景 这首气贯长虹的复活诗歌,灵感源于四福音及哥林多前书15章,首见于一七三九年《圣诗集》,原名《复活日诗歌》。相信很多人会同意史德的评语:“这诗向来人所公认是最佳英语复活圣诗。” 奇怪的是,约翰·卫斯理在一七八零年《卫理诗本》却没有收录这诗,直到一八三零年《卫理诗本增订本》才出现这诗。