词:James Montgomery 歌词(Lyrics): Command Thy blessing from above, O God! on all assembled here; Behold us with a father's love, While we look up with filial fear. Command Thy blessing, JESUS! LORD! May we Thy true disciples be; Speak to each heart the mighty word, Say to the weakest, "Follow me." Command Thy blessing in this hour, Spirit of truth! and fill this place With humbling and with healing power, With killing and with quickening grace. O Thou, our Maker, Saviour, Guide, One true, eternal God confest! Whom Thou hast join'd let none divide, None dare to curse whom thou hast blest. With Thee and these for ever found, May all the souls who here unite, With harps and songs Thy throne surround, Rest in Thy love, and reign in light. 歌词: 求你打开天上宝库,属天福乐降临会众; 毋忘仰望父神看顾,神是我父永志心中。 求主耶稣感召我众,忠心竭力作你门徒; 在每颗心播下道种,胜过软弱勇奔天路。 求主赐福此刻此时,盼主圣灵充满这里; 医治我病降伏我心,救我出死唤醒我灵。 造我救我赎我领我,你是真神独一永活; 你配合的永不分离,你赐福的克敌有力。 惟愿一众姊妹兄弟,同意同心与主合一; 围绕宝座弹琴颂唱,拥戴我主仁爱君王。 12月29日 每日恩典内容 每日读经 | 耶利米书16章 每日读经 | 耶利米书17章 每日读经 | 诗篇130篇 每日读经 | 哥林多后书2章 每日经历神 | 12月29日 真实的敬拜 恩典365 | 12月29日 受难周系列:耶稣要把你从罪里面拯救出来 竭诚为主 | 12月29日 逃兵还是门徒? 赞美诗 | Command Thy Blessing from Above 求你打开天上宝库