词/曲:James McGranahan 歌词(Lyrics): I know not why God's wondrous grace, To me hath been made known; Nor why-unworthy as I am , He claimed me for his own. I know not how this saving faith, To me He did impart; Nor how believing in His Word, Wrought peace within my heart. I know not how the Spirit moves, Convincing men of sin, Revealing Jesus through the Word, Creating faith in Him. I know not what of good or ill, May be reserved for me, Of weary ways or golden days, Before His face I see. I know not when my Lord may come; I know not how,not where: If I shall pass the vale of death, Or meet Him in the air. 副歌(Refrain): But I know whom I have believed, And am persuaded that He is able, To keep that which I've committed, Unto him against that day. 歌词: 不知何以上主恩惠,待我如此丰饶, 不堪如我亦蒙选召,主恩何等奇妙。 不知何以因信得救,此恩向我成就, 不知何以一信主话,满心平安无忧。 不知如何圣灵感动,使人自觉罪污, 由圣经中显明耶稣,引人信靠救主。 不知明日将遇何事,前途或顺或逆, 但主慈爱永不更易, 主必抚养到底。 不知我主何时再临,如何与主相逢? 或将经过死荫幽谷,或遇主于空中。 副歌: 惟我深知,所信的是谁, 并且也深信,他必定能够, 保守我所交付他的, 都全备直到那日。 诗歌背景: 麦格纳汉是多产的圣诗人,既写词,也谱曲,是福音诗歌奠基人之一。兼有苏格兰与爱尔兰血统,一八四零年生于美国宾州。他自幼有嘹亮的歌喉,19岁已是当地知名的音乐教师并组织了他第一个合唱团,有人给麦格纳汉建议,以他的禀赋,若再加以歌剧训练,势必名利双收;而他的挚友布立思则不断地劝他,将他美妙的歌声为主使用,布立思在遇难前一周,还写信劝他考虑此事。布立思夫妇遇难后,麦格纳汉旋即赶去料理他们后事,在那出事地点,他首次和惠特相遇,而惠特直觉地感到,“这是布立思所拣选的继承人”。他们在同返芝加哥途中,一起讨论,同心祷告,最后麦格纳汉决定终身以诗歌事奉神。1877年与惠特进一步合作,组织布道团,旅行美国各地并前往英国,在聚会中领唱;他还最早组织完全是男声的唱诗班,曾与孙奇、鲁特、斯特宾斯等人合编出版多本福音诗歌乐谱。
词/曲:James McGranahan 歌词(Lyrics): I know not why God's wondrous grace, To me hath been made known; Nor why-unworthy as I am , He claimed me for his own.
I know not how this saving faith, To me He did impart; Nor how believing in His Word, Wrought peace within my heart. I know not how the Spirit moves, Convincing men of sin, Revealing Jesus through the Word, Creating faith in Him. I know not what of good or ill, May be reserved for me, Of weary ways or golden days, Before His face I see. I know not when my Lord may come; I know not how,not where: If I shall pass the vale of death, Or meet Him in the air. 副歌(Refrain): But I know whom I have believed, And am persuaded that He is able, To keep that which I've committed, Unto him against that day. 歌词: 不知何以上主恩惠,待我如此丰饶, 不堪如我亦蒙选召,主恩何等奇妙。 不知何以因信得救,此恩向我成就, 不知何以一信主话,满心平安无忧。 不知如何圣灵感动,使人自觉罪污, 由圣经中显明耶稣,引人信靠救主。 不知明日将遇何事,前途或顺或逆, 但主慈爱永不更易, 主必抚养到底。 不知我主何时再临,如何与主相逢? 或将经过死荫幽谷,或遇主于空中。 副歌: 惟我深知,所信的是谁, 并且也深信,他必定能够, 保守我所交付他的, 都全备直到那日。 诗歌背景: