词:Charles Wesley 歌词(lyrics): Hail the day that sees Him rise ,Alleluia! Ravished from our wistful eyes!Alleluia! Christ, awhile to mortals given,Alleluia! Reascends His native heaven:Alleluia! There the glorious triumph waits:Alleluia! Lift your heads, eternal gates;Alleluia! Wide unfold the radiant scene;Alleluia! Take the King of Glory in!Alleluia! Him though highest heaven receives,Alleluia! Still He loves the earth He leaves;Alleluia! Though returning to His throne,Alleluia! Still He calls mankind His own:Alleluia! See!He lifts His hands above;Alleluia! See!He shows the prints of love;Alleluia! Hark!His gracious lips bestow Alleluia! Blessings on His church below:Alleluia! Master,parted from our sight,Alleluia! High above yon azure height,Alleluia! Grant our hearts may thither rise,Alleluia! Following Thee beyond the skies:Alleluia! There we shall with Thee remain,Alleluia! Partners of Thy endless regn;Alleluia! There Thy face forever see,Alleluia! Find our heaven of heavens in Thee!Alleluia! 歌词: 欢庆救主升高天, 天人同心齐见证; 道成肉身降世间, 死里复活得荣耀! 父神升他到至高, 众城门啊快抬头; 永久门户快打开, 荣耀君王要进来! 他虽获升至高天, 仍爱眷顾世上人; 虽已安坐他宝座, 不忘召人归父家! 看啊我主钉痕手! 表彰救赎爱恩深, 听啊我主不停口! 为他教会代祈求。 肉眼虽是不得见, 主已得父神抬举; 求主让我心飞腾, 追随主安坐在天! 与主相聚在新天, 与主掌权千万年; 我主慈容永得见, 尝尽福乐甜中甜! 诗歌背景介绍: 这诗原名《升天日圣诗》,首见于一七三九年《圣诗本》,原诗没有“哈利路亚”,“哈利路亚”首见于一八五二年韦特编《圣餐乐章与圣诗》。 祖里安在《圣诗学全书》说这诗“是查理斯.卫斯理三首最为人熟知得作品之一”;其余两首是《新生王歌》和《灵友歌》。 3月17日 每日恩典内容 每日读经 | 创世记37章 每日读经 | 创世记38章 每日读经 | 诗篇19篇 每日读经 | 马太福音19章 每日经历神 | 3月17日 神对饶恕的衡量 恩典365 | 3月17日 出路——雅各系列(重播):每个人都有神给的恩典 竭诚为主 | 3月17日 工人专一的情志 赞美诗 | Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise救主升天歌