词:Charles Wesley 曲:Thomas Haweis Lyrics: What shall I do my God to love, My loving God to praise? The length, and breadth, and height to prove, And depth of sovereign grace? Thy sovereign grace to all extends, Immense and unconfined; From age to age it never ends; It reaches all mankind. Throughout the world its breadth is known, Wide as infinity; So wide it never passed by one, Or it had passed by me. My trespass was grown up to heaven; But far above the skies, In Christ abundantly forgiven, I see Thy mercies rise. The depth of all-redeeming love What angle tongue can tell? O may I to the utmost prove The gift unspeakable. Come quickly, gracious Lord, and take Possession of Thine own; My longing heart vouchsafe to make Thine everlasting throne. 歌词: 我当如何爱主我神,当如何称颂主, 既长且阔既高且深,基督莫大宏恩。 基督宏恩临到万民,远超人所想象, 历世历代绵绵不断,泽及万国万邦。 基督宏恩普照四方,无边无际无垠, 其阔之广无远弗届,绝无一人漏遗。 想我昔日罪孽深重,过犯罪恶滔天, 惟靠基督赦我罪愆,主恩高过诸天。 基督救赎似海恩深,口舌述说不尽, 穷尽心思费尽唇舌,主恩妙不可言。 恩主愿你快来收纳,我身心为活祭, 我心亟盼殷切等候,你进来作居所。 3月10日 每日恩典内容 每日读经 | 创世记23章 每日读经 | 创世记24章 每日读经 | 诗篇12篇 每日读经 | 马太福音12章 每日经历神 | 3月10日 试炼显露你的内心 恩典365 | 3月10日 出路——雅各系列(重播):神透过苦难修剪你的生命 竭诚为主 | 3月10日 要有言教,更要有身教 赞美诗 | What Shall I Do My God To Love 我当如何爱主我神