词:Charles Wesley 曲:Carl Thomas Gladstone Lyrics: Away with our fears, Our troubles and tears; The Spirit is come, The witness of Jesus returned to His home. The pledge of our Lord To His heaven restored Is sent from the sky, And tells us our Head is exalted on high. Our Advocate there By His blood and His prayer The gift hath obtained, For us He hath prayed, and the Comforter gained. Our glorified Head His Spirit hath shed, With His people to stay, And never again will He take Him away. Our heavenly Guide With us shall abide, His comforts impart, And set up His kingdom of love in the heart. The heart that believes His kingdom receives, His power and His peace, His life, and His joy's everlasting increase. Then let us rejoice In heart and in voice, Our Leader pursue, And shout as we travel the wilderness through With the Spirit remove To Zion above, Triumphant arise, And walk with our God, till we fly to the skies. 歌词: 恐惧尽散去,愁绪逝似水, 圣灵已降下,见证主耶稣已返回他天家。 主曾许诺言,必复活升天, 圣灵奉差遣,宣告大元首已得荣耀在天。 我们的中保,代赎且代祷, 为你我祷告,教会因此得着保惠师圣灵。 荣耀大元帅,差派他圣灵, 住在圣民中,常住在神子民中永远伴随。 圣灵乃谋士,住在心里面, 不断安慰我,在我心中建造神仁爱国度。 凡信靠他的,必承受他国, 他权能永在,他平安喜乐必归于他子民。 让我们庆贺,让众人高歌, 紧随主耶稣,欢呼歌唱走过生命旷野路。 在新天新地,新耶路撒冷, 众圣徒聚集,永永远远与神同行千万年。 3月31日 每日恩典内容 每日读经 | 出埃及记15章 每日读经 | 出埃及记16章 每日读经 | 诗篇33篇 每日读经 | 马可福音5章 每日经历神 | 3月31日 主行在你前面 恩典365 | 3月31日 出路——雅各系列(重播):留住祝福的关键是照着神心意而做 竭诚为主 | 3月31日 你是专一还是假冒? 赞美诗 | Away With Our Fears 恐惧尽散去