词:Charles Wesley 曲:William P. Merrill 歌词(Lyrics): SOLDIERS of Christ, arise, And put your armour on, Strong in the strength which God supplies Through His eternal Son; Strong in the Lord of hosts, And in His mighty power, Who in the strength of Jesus trusts Is more than conqueror. Stand then in His great might, With all His strength endued; But take, to arm you for the fight, The panoply of God; That, having all things done, And all your conflicts passed, Ye may o'ercome through Christ alone And stand entire at last. Leave no unguarded place, No weakness of the soul; Take every virtue, every grace, And fortify the whole; Indissolubly joined, To battle all proceed; But arm yourselves with all the mind That was in Christ, your Head. From strength to strength go on, Wrestle, and fight, and pray, Tread all the powers of darkness down, And win the well-fought day; Still let the Spirit cry In all His soldiers: Come! Till Christ the Lord descend from high, And takes the conquerors home. 歌词: 基督精兵奋起,快快穿上军装, 真神藉着永生圣子,赐你刚强力量; 仰赖万军之将,何惧仇敌猖狂, 靠主能力向前争战,我军锐气莫当。 靠主全能膀臂,力量自必增强, 头戴主盔身披主甲,前驱深入战场, 奋斗既成过去,战争亦获凯旋! 只要依靠耶稣基督,便能圣洁完全。 防守务要严密,灵命务要刚强, 持守各样恩惠美德,筑成坚固屏障。 圣徒万众一心,齐向敌阵直奔, 以主耶稣的心为心,他是教会之首。 靠主力上加力,儆醒祈求争战, 黑暗权势全被消灭,高歌同庆凯旋。 求圣灵在我心,不住激励勉训, 直到基督再来之日,领得胜者归家。 诗歌背景: 被誉为基督教圣诗巨匠查尔斯卫·斯理 Charles·Wesley (1708-1788),他的一生写作无数,作品达六千五百多首,对英国圣诗大有贡献。他藉诗歌写作使人归主,诗歌真诚感人,以教义内容为诗词题材,起教诲之用;华人教会所熟识的诗歌有:《听啊!天使高声唱》、《主爱超越》、《基督今复活》、《我们渴望的耶稣》、《乐哉!救主为王》、《耶稣乘着云彩降临》、《奇异的爱》、《奉主圣名跑》、《基督精兵奋起》。他的作品在当代韵律创新、简单流畅,多以生命经历的反省来创作。他的布道家哥哥 John Wesley (1703-1791)同样借着圣诗有效的传扬福音,一同且带动全英国教会的大复兴。 5月5日 每日恩典内容 每日读经 | 民数记18章 每日读经 | 民数记19章 每日读经 | 诗篇68篇 每日读经 | 路加福音24章 每日经历神 | 5月5日 我是 恩典365 | 5月5日 雅各系列(重播):对人有更多的宽容 竭诚为主 | 5月5日 在爱的渊中受审判 赞美诗 | SOLDIERS of Christ, Arise 基督精兵奋起